M&Ms, Smarties, Skittles, Jaffas – These all have one thing in common (besides being so addictive that one handful is never enough). All of these irresistible favourites have a hard external shell protecting a soft inside.
Now, relate these to your business – typically every business has some type of perimeter firewall, anti-spam system and web filtering solution. If configured correctly, this will most likely give your company a ‘tick in the box’ for certain security audits – making your management team feel comfortable that everything behind these systems is now safe.
Now the truth… These solutions (the hard outer shell) do a great job and are a necessity. Unfortunately they are generally responsive to threats and if an e-mail, USB key or Instant Message should find it’s way inside, it is up to the users to demonstrate their better judgement before taking action. We aren’t talking about Princes from Nigeria or Australia Post e-mails littered with spelling mistakes either, the bad guys have come a long way since these primitive attempts and use tools like Linkedin and your website to deliver believable fraudulent attacks.
In 2017, over $90m was lost due to fraud – with the majority of primary reports from phishing attacks. Staff Security Training provides the only real protection and both ourselves and our clients have proven this using regular phishing penetration testing to confirm the results.
Interested in discussing how you can improve security or have ICT best support your business growth? Contact Stephen Gibson and our AfterDark Technology team on 1300 55 3101 to learn more.